Finding Peace

Coneflower, blazing star, and other perennial flowers at Ebert's Greenhouse Village
“Give fools their gold, and knaves their power; let fortune’s bubbles rise and fall; who sows a field, or trains a flower, or plants a tree, is more than all.” –John Greenleaf Whittier from “A Song of Harvest”
I was out disc golfing over the weekend. It was a blustery day and, as with any activity that requires some skill, there’s bound to be some frustrations as shots, throws, and hits don’t go where we hoped they would. As I retrieved one of my errant throws, various unruly thoughts chased each other through my head. All those dark thoughts vanished as there before me lay a patch of snow drops with their forest green leaves and their white, vase-shaped flowers nodding on arched stems. Amazing! What a happy moment! (These early spring flowering bulbs should be planted in fall along with your tulips, daffodils, and crocuses.)
We look forward to spring and all the joys that come with it. The first songbirds coming back, the first flowers of spring, warmer temperatures, longer days, and being able to work in our gardens once again. Now, more than ever, we need the peace that comes through working in our outdoor living spaces—watching the flowers grows, the bees gathering nectar, and eating fresh produce from our kitchen garden. Our yards can provide us with a sanctuary from all the chaos that we see and feel all around us.
While human contact is so important for us to be emotionally healthy, “social distancing” will, for a time, divide us even more than our so-called “social media” already has. However, as we spend more time in nature, we will once again be able to connect with a deeper meaning of life. We can rejuvenate, re-prioritize, and find answers to some of our most profound questions. Seeing the transformation of nature as we leave winter and enter spring should give us new hope going forward. For it is in nature that we can truly see the reflection of our Creator.
Have a fabulous week!
Jake (